


层叠父母合伙 at North 安妮女王 School




9月. 11, 为了更好地满足学校社区的需求,层叠父母合伙在进行了地震升级和其他改进后回到了北安妮女王学校.


Principal Gonder speaks with families before the ceremony
项目经理 Mark Emelko shares pieces of the ribbon with students
a group of people hold pieces of red ribbon. 一个人拿着巨大的剪刀,把手举在空中以示庆祝
a group of people are lined up behind a red ribbon. 所有人都拿着剪刀,中间的人拿着大剪刀
Counting down to the cut to open the school
a group of people hold scissors and have just cut a red ribbon





Work included seismic upgrades for earthquake safety, 扩大消防洒水装置和火灾报警系统,覆盖整栋大楼, 采暖通风系统更换, 电气系统升级. Interior floors, ceilings, and casework were replaced.

Existing program spaces were reconfigured and upgraded. 艺术教室和科学教室增加了外部门,为教室项目提供室外区域. The school administration area is now next to the main entrance, 有一个新的窗户,提供入口和停车场的能见度. 公共空间/餐厅空间有可移动的玻璃墙,可以向走廊开放,既提供自然光,又可以扩大学校聚会的空间.


项目设计: Meng Strazzara工作室


资金来源: Funded by the Building Excellence V (BEX V) Capital Levy, 由西雅图选民于2019年批准, 和建筑物, 技术, and 学者/Athletics IV (BTA IV) Capital Levy, 2016年由选民通过.

项目经理Mark Emelko


锅炉房正在拆除- 2月. 2022
一块钢板上写着西雅图学区. No. 1 1913
Steel panel removed from original boiler dated 1913. 现在是SPS档案的一部分.
拆除时发现的黑板, signed by school students and staff in January 1938 – Unfortunately, 它是一种涂在墙板上的材料,不能拆除和保存. 2022
截止日期1月31日. 31, 1938
Close view of part of the 1938 signatures on the chalkboard – Feb. 2022
工人们站在一座砖房前,砖房上有窗户和门的洞, 但它们是用胶合板填充的
教室区东墙新门向外的外景- 3月. 2022
inside a large room that has large openings to other spaces
在下议院内向北看——三月. 2022
主入口走廊的北侧,向北望向新办公室. 2022
a double doorway with open doors has wood framed windows around it
从正门望向主入口走廊,向东望向建筑——Mar. 2022
a driveway between chain link fences with a boarded up brick building
进入校园- 2022年4月
inside of a building under construction with wheelbarrows
胶合板覆盖了新办公室新窗户的空间- 2022年4月
a concrete block room with a concret floor and a ladder
Demolition in the former boiler room is nearly complete – April 2022
A brick chimney that has had about 2/3 of the brick removed
Demolition of the chimney is nearly complete – April 2022
Structural steel has been delivered and is being moved in, May 2022
a concrete area in front of a brick building with boarded up windows
Work has begun on play area improvements – June 2022
a person stands in a room under construction with metal posts
在结构钢安装期间使用临时支架- 2022年6月
a brick and black wall with rebar i n front
Rebar installed in front of the historic chalkboard – June 2022
wood framing instid of an existing building
Interior wall construction in progress – June 2022
a concrete wall with a scaffold in front of it
Concrete installed over the historic chalkboard; smooth area to be removed to show chalk signatures – Aug. 2022
a large room under construction with plywood over the window openings
Main office structural steel installed – Aug. 2022
Brick masonry was repaired prior to window installation – Aug. 2022
Shotcrete wall surrounding new window in main office – Aug. 2022
a concrete wall in a building under construction
Concrete installed over historic chalkboard, with area marked for cutout showing signatures from 1938 – Sept. 2022
安装了新的屋顶舱口- 9月. 2022
New roof top unit for mechanical system – Sept. 2022
an indoor space under construction with steel posts and a steel beam
Adding additional steel supports in library space – Oct. 2022
主要办公空间安装结构钢和钢拉杆- 10月. 2022
Interior framing in progress for the administration office – Nov. 2022
a wood framed interior wall with insulation between the uprights
安装绝缘- 11月. 2022
wood framing in an old building with new metal beams
在主要办公室和行政区域安装木框架- 12月. 2022
wood framing between concrete walls has pipes attached
安装水管-十二月. 2022
metal ductwork in the ceiling next to large pipes
Installing plumbing, ductwork, and sprinklers in ceiling – Dec. 2022
the corner of a brick building with a flat roof. 一辆卡车停在前面
窗口安装完成- 1月. 2023
南墙上的新窗户. 2023
西北角窗户完整- 1月. 2023
新行政办公室的接待柜台和窗框正在施工中. 2023
绝缘装置继续安装- 1月. 2023
a room unfinished has windows in wood framed walls
窗户安装在西墙-一月. 2023
木质框架向房间开放,房间背面有墙板. piping, ducts, and electrical conduit can be seen in the walls
厨房机械、电气、管道和洒水装置的粗糙安装- 2月. 2023
一间正在建造的大房间,一面安装墙板,另一面安装窗户. 水泥地板
图书馆向西看收银台的位置- 2月. 2023
a concrete pad has part of a play structure installed. 背景是树
游戏结构正在安装- 2月. 2023
a room under construction has pink fluffy material between wall studs, 一扇通向外面的窗户, 还有一个半成品的大盒子
行政办公地点,接待柜台正在建设中- 2023年3月
a room under construction has a concrete floor, 带窗户的深窗井, 墙壁上的石膏墙板
Wallboard installation underway in library – March 2023
一间正在施工的房间有四块玻璃板,两面墙之间有黑色框架. 玻璃上写着“娜娜墙”."
纳米墙-折叠墙板-安装在主走廊和餐厅之间- 2023年3月
在一栋1层砖砌建筑外,操场设备正在安装. 背景中有树
Playground installation underway – March 2023
主走廊和公共空间之间的折叠玻璃墙- 2023年4月
a room with taped but unfinished wallboard, a half wall, and a window
行政区域未来的接待柜台和外窗- 2023年4月
outdoor play structures site on artificial turf
新的游乐区设备- 2023年4月
a rough concrete floor with a wall that has studs in place
Subfloor demolition to prepare for new concrete topping – May 2023
a smooth concrete floor with a wall that has studs and windows
Concrete topping poured in classroom – May 2023
天花板上有管道的房间,窗户在右边的墙上,门在左边. the floor is concrete and the back wall is concrete masonry units
Work in progress to update the art room – May 2023
走廊上安装了墙板并贴上了胶带,有一个带天窗的开放式天花板,还有铺有地板的地板. Two ladders are in the lower right and power cords are along the floor.
一个房间有木天花板. the walls are wallboard with tape and mud installed. There is a window on the right and doors on the left
一个未完工的走廊,一面墙上的墙板被粘上了胶带并涂上了泥. The ceiling is open with a metal grid partially installed
Installing ceiling grid in the west wing – June 2023
part of a wall with a window shaped opening
历史黑板保存部分的位置,仍在保护中- 2023年6月
图书馆历史黑板的保存部分- 2023年8月
a hallway has doors leading from it and leads to outside. the walls are white at the bottom and gray at the top
Hallway in the 1922 east wing – August 2023
a classroom with a door leading outside and windows on one wall
东翼教室- 2023年8月
a large empty room has large folding glass doors on one side

